Anaconda Env Manager

Anaconda3 Package Manager

Like apt and apt-get for your Debian/Ubuntu Linux system, there are tools to manage the installation/removal of packages for other sub-systems.

Anaconda3 is one a package manager for your Python3 system. It is also able to manage several “virtual” python3 systems, each with a unique combination of packages available to them.

Pip3 is another package manager for Python3, but some tools install easier via Anaconda (Google’s TensorFlow and Facebook’s PyTorch for example).



  • run conda init --all to setup your shell(s) for using conda commands.
  • run conda config --set auto_activate_base false to prevent anaconda from automatically putting you into the “base” virtual env every time you use a Bash shell.


  • run conda create --name my-new-fancy-env will create a new virtual python3 environment
  • conda activate my-new-fancy-env will put your current interactive shell “inside” our new virtual python system
  • conda install numpy to install the numpy package into the currently active conda environment.
  • conda deactivate will take you out of the virtual env and back to the outer shell.